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Does teaching racial justice and equity have a place in our primary schools? – NAPE 061

By Mark Taylor | February 15, 2021 |

National Association for Primary Education publish a professional journal called Primary First 3 times a year. It is FREE to NAPE members or can be purchased for £5 from the National Office.In this episode Mark Taylor (Vice Chair of NAPE) talks to Penny Rabiger who wrote an article for issue 29 entitled: Does teaching racial…

188: MarvellousMe – Parent Engagement App

By Mark Taylor | February 15, 2021 |

Inspire, involve and empower parents. ‘MarvellousMe is a game-changer for parent engagement.’ MarvellousMe engages parents by telling them about their children’s learning and success. It enriches family conversations about school and makes it easy for parents to help their children’s education and say: ‘Well done!’ Delivering a positive teacher-parent partnership, MarvellousMe makes it easy for…

187: Teach Financial Literacy with Jon Alvarado

By Mark Taylor | February 8, 2021 |

Jon Alvarado, founder of Teach Financial Literacy has created a lifetime financial literacy course designed to break barriers for low-income students and families. Jon spent 10 years teaching math at a school with 80% free and reduce lunch students and two years teaching financial literacy at a school with 70% free and reduced lunch students.   During that time, he…


By Mark Taylor | February 8, 2021 |

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION in collaboration with HUMANITIES 20:20 Project and PRIMARY UMBRELLA GROUP present a virtual twilight conference:  TOWARDS A BALANCED AND BROADLY-BASED CURRICULUM Virtual Conference – Monday 8th March 2021, 4.15pm-6.45pm The Conference, embracing a theme which has always been central to debate about children’s entitlements, has been highlighted by OfSTED as…

186: What is happening for me? with Lucia Giovannini

By Mark Taylor | February 5, 2021 |

Lucia Giovannini is world renowned sensation, former international Italian supermodel – turned transformational speaker and author of 13 books. Her 25 years of inspiring work through conferences & workshops globally has been inspired by growing up throughout different parts of Italy and Africa, immersed in the beauty and the pain of those unforgettable lands. Her…

Hygiene and health in schools with Essity – NAPE 059

By Mark Taylor | February 1, 2021 |

Essity is a global leader in hygiene and health. Since 2017 they have been actively working to improve hygiene and health standards and education within UK schools. National Association for Primary Education started working in collaboration with Essity in 2018 to highlight and support this venture. ‘With our partners we collaborate in gathering knowledge and…

185: Computer Based Maths with Conrad Wolfram

By Mark Taylor | February 1, 2021 |

Conrad Wolfram – Strategic Director and European CEO/Co-Founder, Wolfram Research Conrad Wolfram, physicist, mathematician and technologist, is Strategic Director and European Co-Founder/CEO of Wolfram – the “math company” behind Mathematica, Wolfram Language and Wolfram|Alpha (which powers knowledge answers for Apple’s Siri) for over 30 years. Wolfram pioneers new approaches to data science and computation-based development,…

Top 5 ways we are supporting YOU in 2021 – NAPE 058

By Mark Taylor | January 25, 2021 |

The National Association for Primary Education (NAPE) brings together everyone who has a concern for the learning of children from birth to 13 years. Members and affiliated schools work to improve education through the Early, Primary and Middle Years. Today we share the top 5 ways we are supporting YOU. Some resources are FREE and…

184: ELT and SpLD support with Dr. Anne Margaret Smith

By Mark Taylor | January 25, 2021 |

ELT well was set up in 2005 to bridge the gap between English Language Teaching and support for learners with SpLDs (such as dyslexia). Dr Anne Margaret Smith has taught English for 30 years and is also a dyslexia specialist tutor and assessor. She founded ELT well with the intention of bringing together best practice…

183: The power of honest feedback with Coach Steve Pfrenzinger

By Mark Taylor | January 18, 2021 |

How important is honest feedback is in your life and development? ‘What don’t you know about you? Have you ever wondered if you had special skills or talents that you simply don’t know about? Some amazing ability that would change everything? That is what self-awareness helps you discover via the often-feared, honest feedback.’ Imagine taking these…

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